Laboratory Rules and Guides (PART 1)
Laboratory Safety Rules
The science laboratory is a safe place to experiment if you are careful and familiar with all the equipment.You must assume responsibility for the safety of yourself and your neighbours. This paper outlines the steps to use for safety and first aid in this classroom. Students who do not exercise proper lab procedure will be removed from doing hands on science investigations and may incur other consequences.
Follow Instructions
° Study your lab procedure BEFORE you come to the lab. If you are indoubt about any step, ask your teacher before class.
° Follow instructions EXACTLY as they appear on the procedure given.
° Pay attention to what you are doing. Needless conversations will distract your attention and may be dangerous.
° Be sure the teacher is present when you are working in the lab.
Laboratory Wear
° Long hanging necklaces or bulky clothing should NEVER be worn. Avoid wearing clothing with loose sleeves as they may catch fire in an open flame.
° Wear shoes in the lab; no bare feet or sandals.
° Eye protection is REQUIRED for ALL experiments.
° Long hair must be tied back.
Behavior and Work Area
° The biology lab is to be used for SERIOUS work. Do not leave an experiment unattended.
° No food or beverage is allowed in the lab. Keep your hands or any other object away from eyes,mouth and hands during experiments.
° Keep books and other unnecessary items off your work area and off the floor. Bring only what you need to the lab tables.
° Push in chairs to keep aisles clear.