Specifications and needs assessment - The computerized care unit in DIOGENE 2 [3]

The HFD DIOGENE 1 is operating daily since 1978. Since 1988 we are dealing with life expectancy of the system, given the obsolescence of hardware, the relative stability of vendors, the stability of scientific and technical level, sometimes very heavy weight applications existing cultural and mental evolution of the user community, the political environment and Structural institution. Without repeating the details of what DIOGENE 2, defined as a federation of machines taking into account the HIS 90 years in continuous growth with additions of all kinds of new features such as automatic processing of natural language, images etc. .... Certainly concept of the "wheel DIOGENE" will not be altered. According to these authors, it was recognized that the federation to be viable it obeys some laws Dominant:
• Have solutions network compatible.
• Be required to house the same relational DBMS, namely INGRES
• Have the same operating system standard "cell" of the federation, namely UNIX.
4.1 The network
It is the common denominator of all components of the architecture DIOGENE 2. The technology is ethernet, which could take into account integrated mode of workstations, the supermini county, terminals personal computers today. For these next few years protocols used will be based on DOD and Internet transport protocols TCP / IP. SUN Microsystems Network File System is an integral part of the basic tools of the network. It is already expected that after some time of cohabitation, the DOD protocols will be replaced by TC97/SC16 N7498 ISO 1980, Open Systems Interconnections.
PACS adapted to the size of our university hospital must necessarily be distributed with more points image storage. A single centralized storage of images can not provide the required performance. A centralized data management can be viewed with access to images from anywhere on the network even if different images of the same patient are stored in different places geographically distant. A system comprising multiple LANs connected by a global network to deliver the best performance.
Each local network is centered around a picture archiving server connected directly to points image acquisition and display local stations. This corresponds to the concept of "mini PACS" (Ci Ratib, 1988).