Specifications and needs assessment - The computerized care unit in DIOGENE 2 [1]

If the professional competence of a human individual with skill and efficiency should be not only preserved but even enhanced in all work environments where the assistance of the computer can be lavished, it follows that all sorts of resources and tools must be forefront in all respects to facilitate human-machine interaction. Certainly! These considerations lead directly to the requirement of powerful local capacity of barely more advanced computer. They are also designed specifically for kind of human-computer interaction that concerns us. According to Lind and W. Schneider, the requirements of basic requirements of these workstations are almost inevitably linked to the following benefits:
Availability of communication means compatible with all communication protocols
internationally accepted: X.400, TCP / IP, JSO / OSI protocols, etc. ...
Availability of a wide range of procedural language compilers as well as declarative:
C. PASCAL, FORTRAN, LISP, PROLOG and certainly as soon ADA.
A system manager database (RDBMS) relational must be made available. It must have additional capacity to process images and sound signals such as speech voice mode analogue as digital mode. The SQL standard should be required prior to any selection equipment.
Provision of an arsenal of tools with artificial intelligence (AI) and simulation, or even fourth languages generation to develop as soon as possible all sorts of new prototypes Assistance decision broadly and quickly put into service with the means to maintain or even to make products.
A wide selection of devices such as microphone concomitant color graphics at high resolution, equipment inputs / outputs for the human voice, etc..
If it happens now than in the organization of a hospital and medical institution we have come to install an information technology that is based on such workstations, the system architecture communication will almost inevitably typisée a local area network (LAN) can connect workstations mentioned above with each other and with various other sub-systems (existing or future) more or less oriented toward traditional applications to the extent that the assembly can retain a propensity to evolve into an integrated information system! This is typically an organization federalist is to say consisting of units that have understood that in isolation each of them can advantage and cheaper if they work jointly in symbiosis or if they delegate some of their tasks to other specialized units. Indeed, the current health care institutions are organized around the principle of collaboration and delegation. Include memory for sharing across multiple service units belonging to a single laboratory or even an intensive care unit rather than having to internally each unit all laboratory operations and intensive care!
Without returning to the historical origins of hospital information systems (HIS) that is to say until Diebold Report of 1956, it is worth remembering here that the HFD did not approach unity care to the 80 and for the most part does not remain on the edges. Much of what has actually been taken into account, except for the intake modules-transtert-output and those billing are those dealing with the application and medical deferral to its results after implementation, the unit generating the order. In general, care plans, the patient's history, notes on and its "graphic" hardly been discussed so far a lack of a convincing appropriate instrumentation. Before the explosion of high-performance technologies, respectively local (Workstations), communications (LANs) and relational DBMS, it is worthwhile to evaluate glance which applications are medical nurses who, by the terms that characterize most, could properly take advantage of the dominant features of these new technologies?