
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME) [3]


If the hypothesis of CFS is withheld, it is important that the doctor in an open discussion with the patient explaining the situation, discuss the prognosis and treatment options overflowing.
On the treatment of CFS is also no consensus and there is a lot of experimenting with drugs, supplements, psychotherapy etc.
Some common treatments are:

• Tricyclic antidepressants: in low doses can be helpful for patients with CFS. They are in high doses to patients with a depressed mood by endogenous (ie from the body itself) or reactive factors may cause.
• Amantadine (Amantan) is a drug that was originally used in Parkinson's disease, and lately also in MS patients also with a strong general fatigue may have suffered.
Recently it was shown that the product produces antiviral properties, particularly preventive protection against influenza A infections.
• Calcium channel blockers may be useful for the symptomatic treatment of muscle pains, or 75% of CFS patients.
• There are some indications that the essential fatty acids linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid forms of protection against viral infections. Administration of these fatty acids in CFS patients would have a beneficial effect.
• Because many symptoms of CFS suggest a disordered immune system, one has tested various forms of immunotherapy, including high doses of immunoglobulins.
• CFS patients are sometimes extremely high doses of vitamins (B12, B6, Vitamin C) and minerals (especially magnesium and zinc) administered on its own initiative or they swallow supplements. The usefulness of this is not scientifically proven, the potential dangers of overdose, however, are clearly demonstrated.
• Psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. From the behavior makes a distinction between the causal factors of CFS (eg viral infections) and the entertaining factors (eg an irregular rest and activity schedule. In cognitive-behavioral based treatment largely to an improved handling of the sustaining factors that often cause the more severe forms aaneemt CFS. The following topics are addressed in therapy:
• treatment of the disease and the disabling aspect;
• seeking to appropriate a lifestyle;
• the physical and psychosocial rehabilitation;
• treatment of sleep disorders and emotional problems may present symptoms such as stress or depression.

In practice, a combination of a causal approach, a symptomatic treatment of the worst symptoms, proper treatment and a supportive accompaniment psychological most to bear fruit. This requires a multidisciplinary approach involving both internists, psychiatrists and neuro-physiotherapists, paramedics, partners and family members a role to play.

Good psychological guidance is important to the feelings of fear, resentment, dissatisfaction, etc. of the patient to absorb. Besides the physical symptoms he suffers is with anger and powerlessness in relation to the loss of his intellectual capacity, problems at work (long-term illness), lack of understanding of the environment, etc.

CVS and lifestyle

Rest and exercise

As one of a hyperactive immune system characteristics of CFS, the patient usually recommended initially for a period rest. Then much to start with the progressive creation of an exercise schedule, the patient must find its limits and gradually learn to shift. The point is the right balance between effort and rest, and great efforts can trigger a flare to avoid.

Work and family

In many cases, the patient should take a long time sick, and / or other working arrangements, like part-time work or home. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in it, and see CFS patients are sometimes obliged to work and to make disability to apply.
The care for the household and any children often weighs heavy. Amsterdam is currently experimenting with a buddy system, similar to the AIDS-buddies buddies with both practical help (cooking, shopping, childcare ...) and emotional support.


A healthy, balanced diet is obviously important. An adequate supply of complex carbohydrates is necessary for the hypoglycemieaanvallen who frequent CFS-prevention.
Highly restrictive diets, such as those in alternative medicine often promoted, have not proven their worth, just as the popular anti-candida diet.
CFS patients generally do not tolerate alcohol, and in principle will therefore avoid spontaneous.


CFS patients can safely continue taking the pill. During pregnancy most women in a notable improvement in their condition determined. Yet this does not necessarily an incentive for CFS patients to become pregnant: after birth, it follows a tiring postnatal period and later, the care of a child quite burdensome.
There is no indication that CFS to the fetus can be passed.


The reduced cognitive and visual capacity, driving can be dangerous. insurance should be informed of the health problem.
Although as yet no "CVS virus could be identified, allowing the possibility that a virus, or even another transient trauma, a chronic reaction of the immune system. This means that the immune system remains constantly active even when the infection is over. Abnormally high doses of immune-activating factors - some indeed can cause fatigue, would result in the bloodstream and lead to chronic exhaustion.

Moreover Fri recent study has shown that the organ systems in which the patient complains, the majority of the muscles, the immune system, blood system, persistent viruses are found. Pathogenic viruses in healthy individuals are relatively short term (several weeks or months) evacuated, while the viruses in CFS patients a long time, even years after the infection, persist.

Other theories then go in the direction of endocrine disorders, or search for psychological factors.

And finally, it remains possible that CFS is caused by a single, as yet unknown factor.