Heartburn - Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) [4]

The approach of heartburn varies from person to person. One should carefully examine the circumstances in which the symptoms occur and what are the additional pressures. When trying to find himself clear precipitating factors (eg eating habits, drugs &), is taking a few precautions often suffices for a positive result. Quitting smoking is at least advisable.
Sleep Posture
• Raise the head of your bed to an angle of about 30 ° (approx. 15 cm) for example by placing blocks under the legs. Only the head by elevating an extra pillow, increases the risk of reflux.
• If you have an afternoon nap after a meal, then preferably in a sitting position
• Avoidance of intra-abdominal pressure increases
• In cases of obesity (overweight) is essential to weight loss
• Avoid multiple presses (eg constipation counteracted by a high-fiber diet)
• Do not wear tight clothing (such as corsets, tight belts &)
• Avoid fitness exercises involve tightening the abdominal muscles, especially in supine position.
According to some studies with dietary measures alone would almost half the cases the symptoms can be resolved. Which foods and which do not have an effect, is not always clear and may differ from person to person.
• Avoid copious meals. Better to eat one too many times more than once.
• Avoid high-fat meals. Think also of the hidden fats in many processed ready meals such as cakes, biscuits, sausages, etc.
• Avoid chocolate
• Avoid peppermint, onion, garlic, clove and spicy foods in general
• A protein-rich foods (eg, lean meats, skim milk products) has a more beneficial effect on reflux and heartburn. Carbohydrate-rich products (such as bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables) have a neutral effect.
• If the symptoms occur particularly at bedtime or at night, it is important to have dinner not too late to participate. In principle, it could at least 3 hours before bedtime nothing to eat.
• With tendency to constipation (constipation) is a high-fiber diet is recommended.
• Do not smoke after eating.
• About chewinggum opinions differ. According to some studies is the frequent use of chewing gum is not recommended, not only because they often peppermint is processed, but also because of the stimulatory effect on gastric secretion and the fact that chewing is often air ingestion, leading to deportation of the stomach may lead. Chewinggum the other hand stimulates saliva, making the effect of acid is neutralized.
• Moderate your alcohol intake and avoid especially spirits, especially at bedtime
• Avoid fizzy drinks.
• Avoid very hot or very cold drinks
• Even though they have no direct effect on reflux, you should avoid citrus juices if they give rise to complaints. The same goes for coffee. Decaffeinated coffee, no more or less effect on reflux than regular coffee.
• Lean and half fat milk drinks are recommended.
• Soups and broths are free to use lean