
The Alcohol Dependence: Epidemiology

1. Alcohol consumption

    a.) Expressed as pure alcohol consumption

- This is a true reflection of morbidity alcoholic.
- In France, it consumes 19 liters of pure alcohol per adult over 15 years per year (133 liters of wine + 64 liters of beer + 2.5 liters of hard liquor)
- Charts.

Largest consumers                                                                 Less heavy users

    - 1er: France - 1st: France                                                      - 1er: Japon - 1 Japan
    - 2eme: Portugal - 2nd: Portugal                                             - 2eme: Suède - 2nd: Sweden
    - 3eme: Luxembourg - 3rd: Luxembourg                                  - 3eme: Chili - 3rd: Chile
    - 4eme: Espagne - 4th: Spain                                                 - 4eme: Finlande - 4th: Finland
    - 5eme: Italie - 5th: Italy

    b.) Changes in consumption - tendency to decrease in wine consumption

- Drinking beer and hard liquor increases.
- In Anglo-Saxon is the reverse.

    c.) Global

- Alcohol consumption increases.
- Increase in the level of alcohol.
- The average cost of alcohol decreases.

2. Mortality

    a.) Cirrhosis and neuro-psychiatric

20,000 deaths per year due to alcohol.

    b.) Road accidents + cancer due to alcohol cirrhosis + + neuropsychiatic diseases

50,000 deaths per year.

    c.) Accidents at work + + household accidents suicides

70,000 deaths per year.
In accidents, alcohol is involved in 15% of cases.

    d.) Domestic accidents

Alcohol is involved in 20% of cases.
A man of 25 who sinks into alcoholism has a life expectancy of less than 12 years.

3. Morbidity related to alcohol

- Alcohol is involved in 25% of all diseases.
- The number of heavy drinkers was 4.5 million.

4. The social cost of alcohol

The direct costs related to illness (hospitalizations and visits) + indirect costs (lost productivity) + + work stoppages accidents and crimes = 130 billion francs a year (tax of 6,000 francs per family).