Specifications and needs assessment - The major features of a system for managing care unit [2]

1.2.3 The unit of care and management
Inspired by the work of Professor Fetter and under the leadership of Jean de Kervasdoué, a large step was taken in 1983 by the adoption by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarity Program of Medicalization Information system (PMSI). Five years after the introduction in France of PMSI, it is possible to make a first assessment. Most striking is the fact that the PMSI is a tool for managers. As it original, it is opaque to doctors and nurses, and few useful applications teams caregivers. Yet the health care team is responsible for the major consumption of resources Hospital. How can we raise awareness of the ward to a good management tool if used remain obscure to them?
Various teams have realized this problem and have enriched the original PMSI to try to make it more attractive physicians and nurses. But these tools are disconnected from the ward must recaptured by the power of information. And yet, there is a clear link between the record minimum which we have previously spoken and the RSS: it is the same information that can be used by health care team, from their production in the ward, and then serve to feed a management tool.
1.2.4 The care unit and hospital
The care unit is in constant contact with other units of the hospital (other care, services medico-technical services, logistics ...). Designing a management care unit without taking into account these communications capabilities greatly reduce the value of such a tool.
1.3 The needs of the ward
This overview of the reality of the ward in hospitals and issues that are involved we can
draw, in broad strokes, the outlines of the computer whose care unit would need:
• A tool focused on the patient, common for doctors and nurses.
The activity of the ward is organized entirely around the patient, his condition, his needs. This activity based on information that, at birth, is patient-oriented. This information will then supply processes. It is with these processes the same information may take a rather medical, paramedical and administrative This principle marks a break with what previously practiced since, in most cases, the tools were designed for one purpose or main for PR.
Let it fosters communication between physicians and paramedics, while allowing everyone to have the right tools for their own specificity.
• A useful, easily adjustable covering priority needs met in all units
care regardless of specialty.
• An open tool for this core group, common to all, can accommodate, for problems very
specific specialty or a related disease, other complementary tools probably
sophisticated, rich in medical knowledge.
• A tool communicates with the rest of the hospital. This implies that there is at hospital three
other sub-systems:
• a system of unique patient identification, permanent and available
• a communication system,
• other applications (medical service technical, management, PMSI, administration ...) to exchange information with the ward. These three subsystems are the submerged part of the iceberg, the management tool of the ward is the visible, valuing the whole. But the whole is inseparable.