Specifications and needs assessment - The major features of a system for managing care unit [3]

2.1 The categories of functions
For the consideration of an information system of the ward, both for patient management for the resource management, we split the functions of the management system of the ward in 3 main categories:
• production functions,
• processing functions,
• intelligent functions.
These functions supply of object-oriented information structures, objects being the patient care unit, hospital or other contacts.
2.1.1 Production functions
These actions include collecting information and performing tasks such as taking the model materials currently used in treatment units and generate information all geared patients.
They are essential for the production of care and include mainly:
• opening the patient record in the unit,
• the sign of the patient, medical and paramedical requirements, implementation of the prescription and benefits
• transmissions,
• elements of the record minimum
2.1.2 The processing functions
These aggregate functions can use information provided by the production functions. These functions are supplied without requiring re-keying information. We distinguish several types of function treatment: summary function, management, evaluation and communication.
The synthesis functions
Thus, for example, from clinical information of the record minimum will be produced:
• On arrival the patient: a letter of admission, family counseling.
• During the trip: the lists of significant results, fact sheets through.
• At the end, encoding the file, producing clinical summary output, letters to the doctor, Summaries of Direct Care, summaries of economic subsistence.
Management functions:
They help develop dashboards to help organize and track tasks. For example:
• For the patient: development of care plan
• To the nurse: the grouping by type of tasks for the patients under her charge.
• For the doctor: the precise state of the achievement requirements.
Evaluation functions:
They are available to players in the healthcare unit for use directly all the information recorded. For example, the treatment team, they give the possibility to have a first approach workload by assigning a weight to each task which has been the subject of an internal consensus.
Communication functions:
These functions are critical to the care unit to work with the rest of the hospital as we have previously mentioned.
2.1.3 The smart features
These functions are tools to aid process, testing, quality research. There are two levels of
The simple level:
These are the habits of the service used in common practice. These patterns exist but are rarely well formalized. Being able to access it easily, ergonomically would be an important aid:
• For nurses, now more mobile than before, which need, when they arrive in a new service, the tools to deal quickly and simply the habits and thus maintain the quality of care.
• For young doctors (external, internal) that do not expect the computer system infallible
very sophisticated, but want to benefit from an ergonomic tool, learning easy does not change
considerably habits.
These tools should avoid the phenomenon known by the laboratories and pharmacies who see each internal change, a major peak of consumption of drugs and tests.
A more sophisticated level
This level is closely related to the specificity of a discipline to complex medical problems for which A is important that sharp tools are developed, powerful and specific, tailored to the needs.
This distinction in three categories highlights the basic functions of the unit ie the functions production that are common to all nursing units to have in ava4 processing functions consistent with the system of global information. It also promotes intelligent functions introduced according to the needs expressed by the user, while preserving the overall balance of the system turned to the daily.