Specifications and needs assessment - The major features of a system for managing care unit [4]

The establishment of production modules:
It should create a daily environment paperless while maintaining the organization's current work.
The work environment should be significantly improved, enhancing the quality of work.
Making available to users of an intelligent module
In everyday use, it would be linked simply to the functions of production without change in
organization and should help motivate users and enhance their work.
Processing functions associated with the production functions
In this framework, information-oriented patients may be aggregated, without heavy structure, and thus provide other information to different users of the ward. They may also become information oriented hospital. Thus, clinical information synthesis, developed care unit, may, if it exists medical consensus at the hospital level, to underpin a common patient folder shareable all the medical staff of the hospital. Similarly, the RSS would not be formed in the space of a PMSI independent team of the ward, but is a byproduct of clinical information synthesis developed care unit. In addition, could be associated to PMSI which gives a macroscopic
hospital activity, a more enriching analytical indicators finest (direct costs, study the workload, ... ). These indicators, drawn from daily care unit, are also available to supply the accounting system of the hospital without re-keying of information.
3.1 The technicalities
We need flexible tools in the hands of users. To meet their requirements, it is imperative
have tools as user friendly and customized as paper and pencil, and terminal "point of care"
and in positions of care at the bedside, with high interactivity.
The functions integrated hospital information system
The computerization of the nursing unit is inconceivable that in a comprehensive information system hospital must have previously solved the problems of patient identification and communication different units of the hospital together.
Technical solutions based on standards
They must be adopted to ensure portability and durability: UNIX, C language programming
Object-oriented, X-Windows windowing, departmental servers, are our current choices, close
choices made by other teams. In all cases, reliability and permanence of the system must be insured.
3.2 The structures
The tool does not make the man. Suppose that we are able to design the perfect tool for managing a care unit, its smooth integration will only occur if in addition, organizational structures and social hospital change. "The human network is the largest electronic communications network". It is interesting to note that hospitals have implemented SIH have often developed their structure from a monolithic architecture to an architecture more decentralized and participatory.
So the hospital is moving towards "the hospital company", it is necessary that the players care unit are Empowered, they can better understand their production. So they can better perform their responsible for gains and losses resulting from their production. Similarly, it is necessary that relationships between the hospital and the various guardianship evolve, from the overall budget to a mode of funding hospital where production is really taken into account.
The issue of computerization of the unit of care is very important: it was an obligatory passage points changes in hospitals. This automation can well be conceived in a general reflection of Information System of the Hospital where the organizational and human aspects should not be overlooked. If Today, there are very few systems management patient care unit, precisely because their designs and their achievements are difficult. Do not underestimate the resources to implement to achieve the goal. Given the challenges and difficulties, this project should be in centers university hospital, a federal project which should join those who are responsible for Informatics at the hospital and those whose mission is research in computer science. And labor
Some would enrich the work of others.