
Specifications and needs assessment [3]


Existence of solutions tailored to the needs

Some solutions used in French hospitals appeared particularly well suited to needs to satisfy. This is for example the case of email, combined with the office, as IT solution to the communication function within the hospital.
E-mail, because it integrates existing subsystems, easily adapts to the organization institutions, but it does not preclude the need for communication standards.
IT solutions in health units led to conclude that atypical nature of the concept of
good solution in itself. The same type of solution, fit here, may be inappropriate elsewhere.
Contrasting approaches (eg, textual or coded data) lead to solutions satisfactory and appropriate:

• successful computerization on mini-computer of a medical complex and formalized in a service very Specialized high blood pressure, with an intense research activity,
• successful computerization on mini-computer of a formalized medical record low, largely fueled by free texts that are generated automatically by a suitable tool or seized as word processing, around a computer system in a decentralized hospital pulmonology department,
• there was stand-alone applications are not open to working on communication and computer meeting the needs of users in an anesthesia department.

The success of computerization does not result necessarily the type of solution chosen, but passes especially prior consideration:

• internal organization and the constraints of the ward,
• communication needs with the environment,
• the objectives pursued, and suggests using an analytical and pragmatic.

Need the support of those concerned

Membership of the persons concerned to implemented solutions is an essential criteria for success. It implies:

• the responsibility of users on data quality
• optimization of service: less time to process a folder and its simplification management, improving the workplace, protection of confidentiality of information, better branding,
• the attraction of new working methods.

Interest of formal frameworks of the activity and the need for a pragmatic
The value of formal frameworks for the activity occurs in four main aspects:

• the general trend towards the harmonization of media used in hospitals (eg for
supports nursing: prescription form, observation form, routing slip)
• order optimization methods for monitoring the patient through the rationalization of its record
• the tendency to use a formalization of the nursing process,
• the need for evaluation and monitoring activity.

4.5 The constraints

Computerization care units must meet the constraints of various kinds:

• human
• organizational
• architecture of systems,
• techniques.
These constraints, if they are not taken into account, may constitute barriers to successful completion of projects.

The human

They reside primarily in the acceptance by health professionals with the solutions adopted. Indeed, for be successful, computerization will facilitate users' tasks, the situation must be computer preferred to the situation without computer. Its establishment and operation should therefore seek wide consensus on the options chosen. It should establish effective cooperation between all parties stakeholders -. doctors, supervisors, nurses, .... to ensure the coexistence in the final system of
aspirations of each individual project and overall care unit, without questioning its consistency and adaptability. The concern is to improve the quality of patient care and service to users, it is essential that these aspects are evident throughout the system characteristics computer and operating practices that accompany it:

• The ability to customize the system,
• friendly man-machine dialogue,
• terms of identifying issues,
• procedures for case selection,
• Records Management
• simultaneous functions,
• information sharing,
• Privacy and data security.

The evaluation and quantification of these gains are central to determining priorities
project implementation.