Specifications and needs assessment [4]
Constraints related to the organization
As a production center for the acts of patient care unit is at the heart of the hospital.
The constraints are mainly related to the allocation of roles and responsibilities in the system computerized.
Indeed, the functional structures of the nursing unit are organized around different activities. However, these can be changed due to computerization.
The restructuring of roles by the computerized system must take into account the existing relationship between Actors:
• relationships,
• power relations,
• Delegation of tasks and decisions.
• individual autonomy,
• and their aspirations and their motivations.
The reliability of the system lies in the validity of the information it contains. However, the experience of computerization in care units suggests that the validity depends heavily on the potential use that draws one that captures information.
The architectural constraints of systems
Computerization should proceed in harmony with the general policy of the computerized hospital.
In particular, budget decisions may be needed within the facility to distribute
limited resources between satisfaction with complementary aims.
Similarly, the architecture options chosen should be preferred, since they have been analyzed and basic choices.
These options may, among other things, affect the concentration of positions or the centralization of functions:
• induction system single
• management of central or local archives,
• existence of an electronic messaging system,
• existence of a type of communication network.
The solutions adopted in the internal and external care units will be very
different depending on the nature of the existing IT infrastructure, for example, management appointments will be even easier to computerize as there is a computer network or a messaging system mail.
Moreover, the computerized care unit is a subsystem of the computer system of the hospital.
Bonds are anticipated with other subsystems. The establishment of these routes pass through consensus between different communication partners, the nature, shape
information and rules for trade which will become functional standards applications.
Technical constraints
Technical constraints to be met by the computerized system covering various aspects, including:
• system security,
• ease of system use,
• capacity and performance required for the system,
• the procedures for exchanging information with the system, compatibility with other systems of the hospital,
• openness to technological change.
4.6 The poles and priorities of computerization
The functions of the target system
These functions can be grouped into nine sub-assemblies, and some can be attached to
specific responsibilities within the unit of care (doctors, matrons, nurses, nursing assistants) or outside it (Admissions Office, Archives Department):
• administrative management of the patient
• medical management of patient
• Paramedic management of the patient
• work organization,
• communication,
• local management personnel,
• local management of archives,
• management classifications,
• overall operation.
These functions, particularly those related to the patient can rely on a folder to existing minimum level hospital and including such data necessary in an emergency, such as blood group.
Furthermore, they must meet the quality constraints, security and confidentiality of data system.
The work has identified three areas of computerization privileged care units:
• the patient record,
• communication with medico-technical
• care planning,
• through which one can generally identify priority concerns.