Specifications and needs assessment - The RICH project: a network of information and communication for hospitals [2]

2 - Objectives
2.1 Major Features
Without going into details of a functional presentation developed further, the major features of product are:
• Study and implementation of standards and classifications.
• Particular emphasis is given to the classifications of acts considered as products offered by the institution.
• Is defined as an act, any action which codifies the patient's condition or planning and to indicate conditions for carrying out acts, especially the necessary resources.
• Establishment of a circuit application acts between the unit responsible for prescribing and providing unit and a reverse circuit embodiment of acts with:
• for planning:
• Control of interaction acts between them, or between acts and diagnosis
• planning resources necessary to carry out the act,
• planning acts induced.
• to achieve:
• preparation of the act,
• assistance in the acquisition, control, coding results,
• breakdown of information after implementation of the act,
• monitoring use of resources.
• Management of patient records, broken down by profession: doctor, supervisor, nurse, secretary. The folder is the support, a part of collection of activity devoted to patient care and, secondly, the medical procedure: history, development of iagnostics, treatment decision, treatment monitoring, balance sheet.
2.2 Principles of Architecture
Prescribing, performing act, first, the management of patient records, on the other hand, are functions performed by production units of care. RICH objectives are to provide:
• sub-systems of production unit. These subsystems will be generated using tools and services: customization of applications, management of nomenclature used in the unit, etc. ... but also from functions performed processing data standard. For example, the control function interaction acts working on a standard structure of information acts and is part of the offer RICH.
• servers, including the establishment of medical institution server, the server administrative take into account regulatory constraints,
• a local hospital providing communication
• production units for them among other things, the transmission of applications and results of actions,
• production units and servers establishment.
2.3 Portability
The results portability RICH is one goal of the project. It is obtained by adopting
technical standards accepted by the major European manufacturers:
• C programming language,
• UNIX operating system,
• management language SQL data
• ISO communication standards for defining the local network hospital
• Standards Document Management ODA
• messaging standards X 400
• choice of a technical development environment (PCTE project outcome of the ESPRIT program 1).
The adoption and enforcement of these standards for the development of sub-systems is a constituent of RICH ensuring sustainability of investments.
2.4 Modularity
The modularity of the subsystems is another objective of RICH. It is the property of having interfaces normalized between the subsystems so as to replace a subsystem ensuring functionality specifies another subsystem (another producer, for example) providing the same functionality, so as to be able to connect one subsystem to other subsystems.
For example, the subsystem Care Unit Internal Medicine "is connected to the other sub-systems of the hospital: "Ray", "pulmonary function", "Surgery", etc., through a network exchanging standardized messages. It shall, inter alia, requests for action (appointment requested by a prescriber, transmission by the prescribing information before completing the transaction) and receives responses to requests acts (conditions expected completion by the provider, report or result of making deed). Will then possible, when supply will be available to add an additional subsystem interacting with the subsystem "Internal Medicine" or replace the subsystem Internal Medicine "by the more performance, another producer, and without changing the environment. Respect for defining functional standards, including the data model, the model functions, formats and exchange procedures, will achieve the interchangeability of modular subsystems. The RICH project implies that these functional standards are adopted by all partners Europe. Therefore, a particular task RICH project is devoted to measures of acceptance of models and standards by users in each country of the Community and that, for the duration of work.
These standards must be consistent with those defined or being defined in Europe, the USA or Japan. Thus, WHO, the European Communities, IMIA (International Medical Informatics Association) other agencies active in this direction.