Specifications and needs assessment - The RICH project: a network of information and communication for hospitals [3]

3.1 Simplified diagram of a medical approach
To represent a simple and concrete production function of care, we will build on the schema attached that describes the path followed by the patient during a therapeutic sequence.
3.1.1 Home
The patient is for the health institution for a "deal" that will be the subject of the treatment sequence.
• The intake function for administrative services is the taking of knowledge of information administration. The file is opened or is taken up and will be managed during the administrative duration of the treatment sequence and generally depends on the country's regulations.
• Home Medical Service consists of becoming aware of minimal information administrative and social and medical history.
Presumably, the primer's medical record is, however, independent regulation. It will
completed over the next steps in the diagram, steps of diagnosis, treatment decision, monitoring and balance.
3.1.2 Diagnosis
The diagnosis to be clarified by further investigations, appeals to the circuit application of acts issued per unit usually responsible for prescribing or consulting unit care unit to a destination Unit provider "radiology, laboratories, additional consultations, pulmonary function, etc. ...
These units, after performing the act, shall send the answers, records, documents, images, or results, Single prescriptive by the circuit response to the request for action.
3.1.3 Treatment decision
The decision stage of processing steps (in our simplified), establishing a diagnosis. If acts treatment are determined, requests for documents are issued by the unit responsible for the patient, aimed at units, treatment providers, namely surgery, radiotherapy, medicine, etc. ... The reporting requirement is the answer.
3.1.4 Monitoring
The treatment is monitored during its execution. The monitoring function uses the application circuit response and act as the diagnostic function. If the diagnosis is established by observation of symptoms and based on the results of additional tests, monitoring to track the evolution of symptoms and results during or after treatment.
Monitoring after treatment can be likened to a follow-up.
3.1.5 Balance Sheet
The balance function can "classify" the record and measure the effectiveness of treatment.
3.2 Management of production acts
The circuit application and response to the acts must be analyzed and forecast aspects achievement.